You point your email traffic to Hornetsecurity's secure environment
What does Hornetsecurity do

We are the Nordic partner of Hornetsecurity

What does Strimma do
We have worked with IT security due to email problems for over 20 years.
We have previously collaborated with MessageLabs, which later unfortunately disappeared.
When we see the problems Hackers cause on a daily basis, we have together with Hornetsecurity for four years now come to the conclusion of launching this big in the Nordics, with a focus on Sweden.
Erkänna att man kanske inte har rätt skydd mot Hackarna
Få erkänner att de blivit hackade, det tjänar ingen någonting på. Att tillsammans skapa erfarenhet från sådana situationer gör oss mer säkra på att skydda oss i framtiden

Sårbarhets medvetande
Du behöver inte investera i ny hårdvara och mjukvara till ditt företag.
Du pekar bara om din mailtrafik till Hornetsecuritys säkra miljö.
Du ligger steget före Hackern !

Jobba förebyggande
Databranschens fördelar brukar vara att man vill vara steget före. Problemet är att har man alla tekniska medel för det ? Vad kostar det att investera i lämplig teknik ?

Använd andras erfarenhet
Som med allt annat, låt de som verkligen kan sitt jobb hjälpa till. Man kan inte vara bäst på allt.

Why become a partner of Strimma

Place the responsibility for email traffic outside of your company
We help arrange that your mail traffic is pointed via Hornetsecurity's data park

The IT staff can deal with other tasks than chasing spam, ransomware, trojans
The IT department can be tasked with tasks that are rewarding such as development and forward-thinking.

Control panel
For this cyber application, you get a tool called Controlpanel.
Via it, you get total control over what Hornetsecurity has stopped and if you want, you can also let mail in or completely block.

Below you see examples of how Hornetsecurity stops malicious (in burgundy) and lets in good mail (light green)

Start by securing your data environment with us
AB Strimma
All of Sweden 010-777 1400
559260-5678 Roslagens Sparbak
Bankgiro: 5510-9656 Swish: 123 325 54 29
© 2024 by Strimma Security. Est. 1993
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